Sunday School - 9:30
Service - 11:00
14100 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 497-4846

To welcome all, serve our neighbor,
and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ.
God has a vision for St. Thomas Presbyterian Church – both as individuals and as a family of Christ. Long before we were born and before the first brick of this church was laid, God loved us, gifted us, and determined our purpose in this life.
St. Thomas Presbyterian Church is firmly united by the Gospel and founded on the Rock whom we know as Jesus Christ, the one and only son of God, our Father. We claim, as children of faith, salvation and eternal life through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross -- His free gift through the forgiveness of our sins.
In gratitude for this great gift, we are a congregation that has an outward servant focus based on a solid inward foundation.
The Holy Spirit has made clear to us that the starting point of this outward servant focus is through service to the local community, especially children, youth, and their families. We maintain our solid inward foundation by worshipping God in many wonderful ways, nurturing all of our members, and growing as disciples.
To live into God's vision for our church, each and every one of us has a vital part to play. We seek God's will by covering all of our work and worship in fervent prayer. The love and transforming power of the Holy Spirit shine through us, encouraging and leading people to faith in Christ. St. Thomas is a church that truly makes a difference.
What joy we have in knowing we are all God’s children and in bringing others into that amazing relationship!
St. Thomas is an accepting, diverse and inviting congregation seeking to mature as disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ. We mature as disciples by:
Offering Bible-based education that is relevant to all generations and creates a thirst for God’s Word;
Equipping all to share their faith with others -- actively, enthusiastically and effectively;
Mentoring one another in ways that strengthen and encourage us as we live out our faith;
Promoting peace, social justice, and protection of our earthly environment;
Practicing faithful stewardship of all our resources.
St. Thomas Presbyterian Church nurtures the intellectual and emotional needs of our individual members and our congregation. By doing so,we create an enriched atmosphere that encourages our members to reach out to nurture others in our community and beyond. These nurturing activities include:
Respect and acceptance of individuals from diverse personal, cultural, geographical, religious, and generational backgrounds;
Joyful welcome of new disciples to the St. Thomas family of believers;
Opportunities for interpersonal connections through learning and fellowship experiences, including small groups and intergenerational activities;
Promotion of the development of individual talents that equip individuals to live fulfilling personal and spiritual lives, and to share their gifts with others;
Support of those in need;
Prayer as an integral component of our nurturing connection with one another, our neighbors, and with God.
The essential elements of Outreach Ministry are to spread the Word (Evangelism) and to demonstrate God’s love in service to others outside of St. Thomas (Mission).
We spread the Word by:
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others so that they may believe the Good News;
Equipping and empowering the members of St. Thomas to witness Christ’s message in the world;
Providing effective ministries that motivate and encourage members to reach out to non-churched members of the community.
We demonstrate God’s love in service to others by:
Providing a variety of opportunities for service;
Equipping and empowering all members of St. Thomas to serve others;
Impacting our local community in significant ways -- meeting people where they live, discerning and meeting their needs;
Developing a focus on children’s, youth and family ministry;
Providing effective ministries that use the congregation’s gifts and resources.
Worship at St. Thomas Presbyterian Church is fundamental to our growth as Christians. We come before God with praise and thanksgiving, proclaiming the Word so that we may be renewed and strengthened in our faith. With the help of the Spirit, we emphasize the following:
Preaching that is Bible based, dynamic and Christ centered telling of the power of God’s saving grace;
Profession of what we believe;
Services that nurture seekers and new believers;
Spiritual nourishment through confession and renewal;
A variety of inspirational and uplifting worship styles using music and the various arts, offered at different times and days;
Praying as a community and as individuals;
Worship participation and leadership by all ages.