Sunday School - 9:30
Service - 11:00
14100 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 497-4846

St. Thomas Presbyterian Church (St. Thomas) responds to God’s call by educating, equipping, and inspiring its congregation to respectfully listen and learn as a we develop collaborative relationships that address the needs of our community and world. Below is a list of Mission Partners St. Thomas supports in prayer, financially and through faith in action, i.e., becoming a volunteer with one or more of our Mission Partners. St. Thomas members and friends can contribute to the future of this church with a variety of gifting options and bequests that may be given now or as part of your estate. Contact Rev. Dr. Nora Fitch for more information.
Outreach Committee Mission Statement of serving our neighbor is inspired from James 2:14 – 17 using the New Revised Standard Version bible translation: What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill," and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So, faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.
Find your place to contribute your talents below.
On Our Campus
The Harbor School Houston: St. Thomas assists at-risk children and families as they navigate toward a stronger future by providing high quality early childhood education in a Christian environment. The Harbor School is located in St. Thomas' campus, and is set to open in the January of 2020. For more information, go to see this link.
On-site Food Pantry: We give emergency food assistance to the needy in our neighborhood (zip code 77079) from our food pantry, stocked by our congregation. The Food Pantry is open Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. We request food, cash donations and/or volunteers to label food expiration dates and hand out food.
Grace Bags for the Homeless: We give out Grace Bags the first Sunday of each month to members and visitors at St. Thomas to carry them in their car, give them to a homeless person, and say 'God Bless You'. The bag is filled with a few food and personal hygienic products, a directory of services for the homeless, a small cross and a prayer card. Contact Conrad DeGrace to volunteer.
Available Scouting Programs at St. Thomas
Boy Scout Troop 1089: St. Thomas charters this fun-oriented, boy-led troop with about 50 youth. They camp every month of the year, except June and July when they go to Summer Camp and High Adventure. Adult leadership includes Eagle Scouts and Wood Badge-trained leaders to help guide the way. They have a First Class Emphasis program to help our new scouts attain the First Class rank. For more information, click here for Troop 1089’s website and this link for their flyer with the Scoutmaster’s contact information. To view a one-minute video introduction to scouting activities, click this video link.
Harmony Creek Girl Scout Community: website provides the information needed for locating a Girl Scout Troop nearby. Additionally, leadership training for volunteers is available through this same website. Contact Ruth Johnson for more information (raj1006@sbcglobal.net). All Summits and Cafes for adult leaders will be held at St. Thomas.
Cub Scout Pack: In September, St. Thomas became a Charter Organization for a Cub Scout Pack to meet on its campus once it is formed. Staff from Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC) will collaborate with Houston ISD’s Daily Elementary School executives will inform and recruit students (boys & girls) to join as our new Cub Scout Pack. If you are interested in learning more about it, having you child join, and/or becoming an adult volunteer of a Den or Pack, please visit this website. A Steering Committee will provide interim support until a Pack Committee is formed. Come join this fun and exciting new Cub Scout Program! To view a 30-second video introduction to cub scouts, click this video link.
Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP): PDAP is a support group for adolescents, young adults, and families in the Greater Houston area who are looking to prevent or overcome the harmful effects of drug and alcohol abuse. PDAP is a youth-driven program that not only provides guidance on how to live a healthy and sober lifestyle, but it also creates an alternative peer group for PDAP members, thus giving them a safe & secure environment to implement change & build lifelong friendships. Although two adult PDAP groups meet weekly at St. Thomas, if interested in joining a group, you must first join PDAP. View this link for overall information or click here to find out more about joining.
Houston Hope of the Nations Church (HHOTN): HHOTN nests at St. Thomas Presbyterian. Houston Hope of the Nations was established in 2009 by Rev. Eid Abdelmassih Hanna to help immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. The mission of the center is to help the Middle Eastern community adjust to life in Houston. HHOTN does this by helping them to grow in their relationship with God, providing physical help, counseling, job search, ESL (English as Second Language) and Bible study. The Center helps people from several countries, including Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Lebanon. Our weekly worship meetings include people from many nations. HHOTN meets most Sundays at 1:30 PM in Room 7 and is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. For Facebook information, view their link. For more information, call (713) 592-2801 or m.me/283250501772400.
Community Class Committee: Are you interested in St. Thomas PC hosting top notch informative classes to serve our neighbors needs as a gift? Come join the Community Class Committee on this adventure. Additionally, we are looking for a Moderator of this new committee. For more details, please see this link of STPC grant application we won from Presbytery of the New Covenant and/or contact David Dow (ddow80@att.net & 713-816-3259).